21 Mar Keep Your Staff Healthy for Flu Season with In-Office Immune Boost IV Drips in Los Angeles
Contagious illnesses in the office can spread quickly, leading to callouts and reducing your business’s productivity. Delivery immune boost IV treatments can help keep your staff healthy during flu season and beyond.
Although we most commonly associate cold and flu season as wintertime occurrences, these illnesses can happen at any time of year. Contagious illnesses in the office can lead to callouts and reduce your business’s productivity. Delivery immune boost IV treatments can help keep your employees healthy year-round.
Cold and Flu Season in 2018
The strain of influenza A that has been active during the flu season of 2018 has been particularly difficult to navigate without getting sick.
While the brunt of influenza A activity is over, cases of influenza B have started to rise, according to the CDC and The Weather Channel [LINK: https://weather.com/health/news/2018-03-28-flu-cases-on-rise-cdc]. It’s more important than ever to keep your immune system in top condition to avoid catching influenza B.
If you haven’t gotten the flu shot yet, many pharmacies are still offering shots so you can help protect yourself and the people around you.
Regular hand washing, minimizing exposure to individuals who have the flu, and getting enough rest are key in keeping yourself in top condition. Immune boost IV therapy is another way to give your immune system that extra support it needs to protect yourself from getting sick.
How IV Therapy Can Boost Your Immune System and Help You Prevent the Flu
IV therapy is an innovative treatment that delivers a saline drip packed with vitamins and nutrients directly into your bloodstream. Your body has immediate access to the carefully-tailored formula, and because the IV drip never enters your digestive tract, you get the full benefits of the IV contents.
Drip Hydration’s Immune Boost Formula contains:
- IV Fluids: A sterile saline solution that delivers nutrients directly into your bloodstream, helps detoxify your body, and ensures 100% absorption of vitamins and nutrients.
- B-Complex Vitamins: A family of 8 different vitamins that perform a range of vital functions, including to support immune function.
- Vitamin C: A vitamin that plays many essential roles throughout your body, helping to maintain your immune system and eliminate free radicals.
- Glutathione Push: A highly concentrated dose of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that provides immune system support, detoxifies your body, and removes free radicals.
Cold, Flu, & Immune Boosting IV Therapy for Offices and Businesses
As you can see, IV therapy is an efficient and effective way of providing your body with the immune support it needs to fight off illnesses year-round. That’s why IV delivery for offices and businesses can be a huge benefit to your company.
IV Therapy for Offices and Businesses Can:
- Help your employees stay healthy without having to fit appointments into busy schedules
- Eliminate the need to find coverage while people leave the office for appointments since treatments are delivered directly to you
- Help protect your employees from illnesses by giving their immune systems a boost
- Help prevent outbreaks of colds or the flu in your office that can have a negative impact on both productivity and morale
Book Flu-Preventing Immune Boost IV Drips for Individuals or Office Groups
Drip Hydration is a mobile IV service that delivers treatment directly to you wherever you are in the Los Angeles area.
We set up at your office and provide IV therapy directly to you and your staff. Don’t let the common cold slow your business down. Call Drip Hydration and book delivery IV therapy for your office today!